Maths Masterclass 2016

For 6 weeks during the autumn term I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a series of Maths Masterclasses run by the Royal Institution of Mathematics. Each week there was a brand new teacher/lecturer who specialised in a different branch of Maths including probability and problem solving. Every Masterclass taught me something different and something I had never been able to do before. It was an honour to be chosen as one of only 30 students from across Tyne and Wear.

The Masterclasses were a great experience where I got to meet new people and expand my knowledge of the fantastic world of Maths. They made me realise how vital Maths is to everything around us, and to every job that I might do in the future.  It also opened my eyes to the variety of topics within Maths.  I think this is something that everyone should remember, so if you don’t like one kind of Maths I guarantee there will be an area that you will be interested in and that you can excel in.

Elizabeth Adamson, Year 9